Wednesday, September 12, 2007

10 days into MBA !

Just finished the first 10 days of MBA . Incidently it has coincided with my getting the internet connection from the good for nothing Comcast Cable service. (I say "good for nothing" because Comcast cancelled my Installation Appointment 3 times simply because they could not wait for 10 minutes). That gives me the opporunity to get write this blog. Over the next one year, as move to my coveted MBA experience, I would like seperate my MBA life from the Normal boy next door blog which I have been writing for the last 10 months . (ok kuch jyada ho gaya ) . You can already see that I have updated my Profile reflecting my new status.

Will be blogging more at from now on. So keep watching that space for more updates from me.


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Sarah Jessica said...

Allow us to introduce ourselves.

We are, India’s premier online portal and the first choice for several of India’s popular reality shows. For a record fourth time in a row, we have been selected to be Indian Idol’s online partner.

Besides our regular offerings of daily coverage, videos, discussion boards and the likes, we will also be commissioning the Sify Indian idol fansclub. This letter is to inquire if you would be interested in hosting your links on our site.You can promote your contents through Indian Idol Fansclub. Your link will be prominently displayed on our page.

If you are interested, please contact us on


We look forward to hearing from you soon

Neha. S