Saturday, January 20, 2007

Management Talk!!!

Have you ever heard the CEO/EVP/VP of a company talk without using the following words: Streagy, Focus, Differentiation, go to Market, traction and so on and so forth. You bet not. Ask any question to them.. be it something as simple as "When is my next salary hike ?"..... which can answered pretty straight forwardly "6 months or 1 month "

but you get a 5 min lecture. He (or she I am not gender baised here ) tells the history( and geography) of the whole HR and compensation policy to us and explains the hike policy and goes on and on ....... until you forget the question you asked .......but luckily managers are a smart genre. they remind you of the question saying " but yes to answer your question of When the hike will happen"........ I think we will be doing it in the next 1 month!!!!!!! phew .. .thank you sir for ur prompt reply !!!!

But guess this is a part of the job for a manager .. talking and delivering the polished stuff.. the unpolished stuff may not b digestible by us .....something like saying " The HR policy makers have resigned and we are searching for a new HR head to formulate the hike policy" ......and being an aspiring manager .. I think I need to polish my polishing skills ...... :) so off I am to a Soft skills training institute

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