Sunday, December 3, 2006


Life is a like a box of Chocolates. You never know what you get. One look at the turns and twists in the life of Sidhu .. and u are left wondering .. how true........ here is a man who came into public life as a Cricketer in the early 1980s, was condemned by the public for being a murderer in late 80s, came out clean as commentator in the post retirement and defined "sidhuism" to the oxford dictionary , became laughing king of the Indian TV , only to be convicted of murder by the Delhi Highcourt. As they say .. life is a great leveler .. you pay for what you do in your lifetime .. so may be it is payback time for our Sidhu .. or will he come out clean again from this mess .. may god be with this exordinary multitalented multifaceted personality ...hope he continues being on the Indian TV .. afterall I can't sleep on Friday Nites without listening to his rip roaring laughters

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