Sunday, December 31, 2006

Welcome 2007

It is that time of the year again .. where we are all buckled up stay up the whole night, drink and party into the Midnight till the next day ....... all in the name of stepping into the new year ...... welcoming "it" in style 2 cents on this .. it is yet another reason for the party animals or rather the drinking animals to go on a drinking binge ..........

Parties apart the new year has another pecularity ...... the resolute resolutions which the junta vows...... the most common being . ........will exercise .. will spend time effectively .. will not procastinate and so on but the top ones have to be ..will stop smoking ....will drink less or stop drinking all together many of them are really able to keep up these promises ??? ...I bet even if 50% of these smokers and drinkers kept there resolutions and promises........the ITCs, marlboros and the Kingfishers of world would have been out of business by now ..........

the problem with the human psychology is that he always looks for exceptions to any rule..(be it as simple as wearing an helmet while driving a bike .. how many of them wear helmets to go to the neighbourhood grocery store ??) ........ so the human exceptions begins to take effect after "some" days into resolutions .... your frnd throws in a party .. your thought ??? it is ok to drink in Parties afterall drinks in small quantities is good for health........ next u eat your stomach full at the party .. and remember the old cliche ....... " smoking settles the food nicely " I will smoke whenever I eat some good food........ next you say .. I will smoke only post dinner and lunch .........and so the resolutions story continues .........thru the year .......... circa 01.Jan.2008........ you are still thinking..... should even take a resolution this year ??????..nay .........

PS : I don't have such resolutions this year. If one needs to change some habit of his .. you don't have to wait till the new year for it ...... it can happen anytime anyday........all it requires is the right trigger .......

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